Noah’s Ark Staff

Anne Harvey - 3 & 4s Preschool Teacher
Teaching experience/ credentials: I graduated from Minnesota State University-Mankato with a degree in Early Childhood Education. I landed my first teaching job teaching Kindergarten in a remote Eskimo village in Alaska with my new husband. After three years we moved back to Minnesota where I taught Extended Day Kindergarten in Montrose for one year. I also taught Kindergarten for a year in Big Lake before I became a stay at home mom.
Tell us a little about you… My husband Ben and I just celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary. We have three girls, Ruby-5, Stella-4, Millie-2, and our Alaskan Husky, Moose! We live in Buffalo and you can typically find us playing outside, camping, or swimming at the beach in the summer. We love being together and being with friends!
My Favorite part of Noah’s Ark: My two oldest daughters went to Noah’s Ark and you can bet that my youngest will go as well. I love the Christ filled atmosphere that Noah’s Ark holds. I have loved knowing that I’m sending my kids to a school that models Jesus’ big love so well. God is so good and I’m so excited to carry that legacy on of showing Gods love to Preschoolers!
My favorite Bible verse: Romans 12:12 “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, and constant in prayer.

Megan Hegland - 4 & 5s Preschool Teacher
Teaching experience/ credentials:
Tell us a little about you…
I have been married to my wonderful husband, Steve, for almost 11 years and God has blessed us with 3 beautiful girls; Dorothy (8), Lydia (5) and Maisie (3).
After I had our second daughter, Lydia, we decided it was the perfect time for me to stay home with our kids. I decided to open my own in-home daycare (while I was at home with my girls) and I have been running that for the last 5 years.
As a family we love to go camping in the summer and spend as much time with our extended family as we are able to. In my spare time, I love to go flower shopping and plant new flowers in any of my flower beds.
My Favorite part of working with preschool:
My favorite Bible verse:

Jodi Lachermeier - Teacher Assistant
Teaching experience/ credentials:
Tell us a little about you…
I was born and raised in Buffalo, Mn where I have been a member of St John’s my entire life. I have been married to my husband Steve for over 20 years and we have 3 children and 2 beautiful granddaughter’s. About 5 years ago we made the move to Albertville. In my spare time I love spending time with my family and friends. Just recently my husband and I became owners of some property up north on a lake where we spend most of our weekends relaxing and fishing. I love to go to the movies, sing, play games and to hang out with my family.
My Favorite part of Noah’s Ark:
I truly love getting to share the love of Jesus with the kids! I love the pure excitement in the preschooler’s faces and conversations. Everyday there is something new and special to experience through their eyes. I feel so blessed to be a part of this preschool!
My favorite Bible verse:

Chelsey Erickson - Noah’s Ark Preschool Director
Teaching experience/ credentials:
- I graduated from North Park University in Chicago with a degree in Early Childhood Education. From there, I have been a paraprofessional, teacher’s assistant, co-teacher, and classroom teacher in a variety of schools, with students ranging in age from preschool to 2nd grade. After stepping away from teaching, I ran an in-home daycare for 4 years. Most recently, I was the Director of Children’s Ministry at the church we attended in Colorado.
Tell us a little about you… I was born and raised in Buffalo, and just moved back to the area with my husband and our four kids – Warren, Greta, Hagen, and Anika. After living in Southwestern Colorado for the past 8 years, we are ready to throw down roots here and raise our kids in this community! In our free time, we love to spend time together outside.
My Favorite part of Noah’s Ark: I love that the heart of Noah’s Ark is to instill a love for Jesus in our students and their families. I am honored to be a part of a school that strives to serve the Lord and be a light in our community!
My favorite Bible verse: My favorite Bible verse is Philippians 4:4 – Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice.