Welcome to St John's!

We know meeting people for the first time can be intimidating and going to a new church full of new people can really be nerve-racking. We want to help make your first experience at St John’s a great one. Hopefully the information that follows will help you feel more comfortable.

We are located in Buffalo, MN, just up the hill from the downtown shops. If you are joining us for worship, it’s easiest to park in the north parking lot and enter through Door #1. If you need a handicap accessible door, drive just past the building along 2nd St NE and turn into the drive. Door #2 is accessible and there is parking just beyond it.
If you’re coming for an event held in the Family Life Center, it’s easiest to park in the back parking lot and enter through Door #4.
If you’re unsure, don’t hesitate to give a quick call to the church office (763) 682-1883.
Weekend Service Times
Contemporary Worship
5 pm
Traditional Worship
8 am
Sunday School, Youth Bible Study, & Adult Education
Traditional Worship
10:30 am
Questions You Might Ask

Where should I park and enter?
For Sunday morning services, it is easiest to park in the lot just across the street from the building on 2nd St NE. You can then cross the street and enter through the doors marked #1.
If you need to drop someone off, you can drive just past the building on 2nd St NE and turn in the driveway on the far side of the building. There is a power assist door available at door #2 (the northeast corner of the building) with special needs parking just beyond.
Saturday evening is in our Family Life Center, just inside door #4. You can park in the lot behind the building and look for door #4.

Will anyone greet me?
St. John’s is a warm, friendly place! You’ll be greeted, welcomed, and assisted in finding a seat. Please stop by our Welcome Center before or after the service to visit with the attendant there, ask any questions you might have, and get a map and a packet of information.

How long will service last?
Service time can vary from week to week, but you can plan on just over an hour. We try to get everyone out for Sunday School & Bible class on time.

What should I wear?
Come as you are! You’ll find the full range from jeans and flannels to suits. No one is looking for what you wear, we’re just glad you’re here.

What is the service like?
All three services each weekend typically use the same service elements. We’ll have readings from the Bible, confess our sins, proclaim our faith with a creed, hear a sermon based off those readings, and on the 1st and 3rd Sundays, we’ll share Holy Communion together. On Saturday evenings, the music will be more contemporary praise and worship and at the Sunday morning services, we’ll worship with hymns. Watch our Sunday 8am service on YouTube to get a glimpse of the service.

What about my kids?
We LOVE kids and believe they are a blessing and gift from the Lord. They are welcome in worship! Before the sermon, there will be a Children’s Message just for them. We also have “Little Lutheran Bags” they can fill and take to the pew with them, should they need something to busy their hands. A coloring page is available each week for older kids, and should your kiddos need a few minutes out of the quiet space, our narthex has room to move around, while still seeing/hearing the service on a TV.
Our nursery is always available (it’s located out the front of the sanctuary and to the right- and usher would be happy to direct you). The nursery is staffed during Bible class and the Sunday 10:30 service if your child isn’t in a season where they are ready to be in the sanctuary. We also have a nursing room located next to the nursery.
For more information about programs geared for children & families, click here.

I have more questions.
Please use the contact form below if we did not address your question. We would be happy to chat with you, answer any questions you might still have, and will look forward to meeting you in person soon.
Let us know you'll be joining us for worship or ask any other questions we may not have already addressed.