Next Step New Member Class

March 15 9:00 am - 2:00 pm  |  The Gathering Place - Room 208

302 2nd Street Northeast, Buffalo, MN, USA

Have you been attending St. John’s for a while?  Want to learn more about membership?  Or did you recently transfer? The NEXT STEP class is a great chance to meet with the pastors in a smaller group to ask questions and learn about the uniqueness of the St. John’s family, and find out how you can plug in and get involved.  There is no obligation to join after attending, but it will be offered.

Make plans to attend the winter new member class on Saturday, March 15th from 9am – 2pm.  Lunch is provided and childcare is available.  Fill out the form below or call or email the church office (763.682.1883/ to let us know you’ll be coming so we will be prepared for you.  We can’t wait to get to know you!