Lenten Supper & Service

Each Wednesday we gather for Supper at 5pm followed by a worship service at 6pm which helps us look at another aspect of growing in our relationship with the Lord.  The freewill donation suppers benefit our St. John’s Youth as they raise funds to travel to attend the LCMS Youth Gathering this summer.

St. John’s uses fun skits to help us look at different aspects of the Christian life during Lent.  This year’s theme for the skits is Magnum B.I. (Bible Investigator) – who helps tackle difficult questions from the Bible such as, “How could I ever enjoy fellowship with God again because of my sin?” or “How could God use the pain in my life for good?”

The Supper Schedule is as follows:

March 26:  Elder’s Potluck

April 2:  Provided by Church Council

April 9:  Women in Mission—Hotdish, salad & bread