Anxiety & Depression Support

January 14 6:00 pm  |  St. John's Room 208

302 2nd St NE, Buffalo, MN, USA

1 in 4 adults experience mental illness – including things like anxiety and depression. Going through a season with a loss of or shift in well-being can be extremely isolating. We have a safe and supportive group with which to share the journey. If you, a loved one, or someone you know could use that kind of support, please share information about the group with them.

Each group is a stand-alone session using the Transformed Minds curriculum. No worries about making each one – come as you are able.

The group meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 6pm in The Gathering Place – Room 208. Park in the back lot and enter through the door marked #3.  Questions? Reach out to Katherine Clark