Children & Family

Easter Family Event- BRICKTACULAR

April 11th 6:00pm
Join us for as we celebrate Easter in a BRICKTACULAR way! Do you like building with bricks, using your imagination to create and having fun with friends and family? Then join us for our first ever Bricktackular Easter event.

Families will work together to complete Lego challenges, win prizes, and experience the Good News of Easter in a whole new way with through LEGO'S. This event is gear towards elementary age and older but all are welcome to join in the fun. Pizza Dinner will be provided with this event.

Register Today !



Sunday School Celebration April 27th 10:30 Service

You are invited to join us for a Sunday School Celebration. On April 27th Preschool- 4th grade Sunday School classes are going to take over the 10:30 service and we would love to have your student and family join us!

Why should Christmas be the only time the kids share songs, scriptures and all the fun we have at Sunday School? This service will be a chance for us to do just that!

From the songs we will sing, to the prayers and verses we have learned through the year, this service will be our Sunday School Celebration! No need to rehearse just join us for as many Sunday mornings as you can between now and the 27th!

Sunday School Mission Project
Sunday School Mission Project

Each month a new mission project is select for a Sunday School Offering Project.  The money collected in children’s and Sunday school offering will go to this project, organization or mission.  Some of the organizations we support are local food shelf, Feed My Starving Children and more.



Faith Milestones are all about helping children, families and adults see God in their everyday!  We take common events or moments in our lives and the lives of our children to celebrate and ask God to bless them, guide them and be with them.  We hope to equip and encourage our families to see that being with God is more than just something we do on Sunday, but that God is a part of our everyday.  No matter if we are celebrating the beginning of school, learning something new or welcoming them into the family of God…all these moments are God moments.

(Toddlers)- First Faith Steps
(Preschool)- My Church
(1st Grade)- Teach Me To pray
(3rd Grade)- Bible Basics Class
(5th Grade)- Love Thy Neighbor
(8th grade)- Confirmation
( 12th Grade)- Graduation Celebration

Cradle Roll
Cradle Roll

When your children were baptized, their sins were washed away and they became a part of the family of God! As your church family, St. Johns seeks to equip parents with tools and resources to fulfill the promises you made to raise your children in the Christian faith. One way to do this is through cradle roll…

What is Cradle Roll?

  • Monthly E newsletter with devotions and developmental insights and tips to encourage and support families
  • A Baptismal Birthday gift each year for children 3 years and younger.
  • Invitation to our milestone ministry class, ” First Faith Steps”.
Kid Connection Child Care
Kid Connection Child Care

Our nursery is equipped for infants thru 4 years old. Need a quite place for to change diapers, breastfeed or rock you little one to sleep? Please be sure to check out our infant room filled with age appropriate toys, extra diapers in case of little accidents and much more for parents needs.

Welcome to St. John's Lutheran Church! We would love to hear from you. Submit a message and someone will get back to you shortly. God's blessings.
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